Thursday 5 September 2013

Representation of 3 people in the media


From looking at this picture to me he seems to look like a tramp,he look's lost about himself, he look's confused. He in person he would have a distinct smell as in other pictures of this man he smoke's. He look's to be around in his 40's he look's like a poor old man. 

However, we later find out that he's a shop assistance for the famous shop of Ralph Lauren, and that this is just his everyday dress style so media has shown this man in a way we can give our opinions about from judgement. If we look at the picture again them we can start to see that his clothes are immaculate  he's clean, the patches on his clothes are perfectly sewn up, he has no holes in his clothes. He's standing on Madison avenue in one of his photos, one of the main shopping high streets in the NYC so he isn't the 'tramp' that we thought he was, again he is holding himself well another point showing he's not a homeless man.


In this second picture we are presented with a man called Ted Bundy, from looking at the picture i see him as quite a rich wealthy man just from seeing his dress sense. It looks like he may have something to do with the government or politics. The man look's to be in his mid 40's. He look's to be an intelligent man which may reflect on the job he has. He looks clean and well presented. 
Although aside all of that hes actually a criminal sex offender towards women, again our judgement's are wrong. The impression that we get from the picture is that he is a fairly normal man but in a way but he's not, he's in prison to this day and has escaped once, he had a terrible body odor smell which saved some girl's lives.


The woman in this photo is Anna piaggi, we see that she has a very wide fashion wardrobe. she seems like the type of woman that would want to stand out from others, she wants to be different with a unique style. I would say that she's about 50 years old. she seems to have a bright personality and possibly would be a lovely person to meet.
From researching about this woman i now know that she is a worldwide kn own fashion designer she use's the quotation of 'mise en scene' this is french for everything in the frame. She is known for her extreme fashion sense and never wears the same outfit twice she put's it into a warehouse. Most of her clothes are given to her by famous fashion designers so she doesn't have to spend so much money.

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