Sunday, 8 December 2013

The Seven Areas Of Representation (ETHNICITY)

DEFINITION OF ETHNICITY- Relating to or characteristic of a human group having racial, religious, linguistic, and certain other traitsin common

STEREOTYPES ASSOCIATED WITH ETHNICITY- An ethnic stereotype is a simplified and often misleading representation of an ethnic group, composed of what are thought to be typical characteristics of members of a given ethnic group. These images of a particular group are used to communicate underlying messages about status, society and cultural norms.

A SELECTION OF TV DRAMAS THAT INCLUDE THE STEREOTYPE, ETHNICITY- There are many different kinds of shows on television today and these are able to present different kinds of images. Some shows present news and current affairs stories, trying to report on actual events in a realistic way. Other shows will create fictional drama or comedy situations that are designed to reflect real life. Commercials are made to sell products to specific groups or target audiences in society.
All of these types of television can use stereotypes as part of their presentation. Some of the main kinds of stereotypes used on television include:
  • Gender 
  • Age 
  • Ethnicity 
  • Disability
Stereotypes can be used in positive or constructive ways, however there has been research that shows many people base real life opinions on how different groups are shown on television.
ANALYSIS OF HOW THE STEREOTYPE'S ARE REPRESENTED- Many sociologists believe that media representations of ethnic minority groups are problematic because they contribute to the reinforcement of negative racist stereotypes. Media representations of ethnic minorities may be undermining the concept of a tolerant multicultural society and perpetuating social divisions based on colour, ethnicity and religion.
Evidence suggests that, despite some progress, ethnic minorities are generally under-represented or are represented in stereotyped and negative ways across a range of media content. In particular, newspapers and television news have a tendency to present ethnic minorities as a problem or to associate Black people with physical rather than intellectual activities and to neglect, and even ignore, racism and the inequalities that result from it.

ISSUES OR PROBLEMS THAT ARISE FROM THE REPRESENTATION OR THE STEREOTYPE INVOLVED- The reading and study of ethnic minority writing repeatedly confront the problem of representation, and raise many questions in the debate between essentialism and social construction and implications for the issues of appropriation of voice and agency. Using examples from Italian-Canadian writers and other minority groups in Canada this paper explores these questions and implications referring to the critical work of Sneja Gunew, Edward Said, Francesco Loriggio, Linda Hutcheon and Frank Lentricchia.

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